Many university students find their financial situation a daily struggle. The Financial Counsellor is available on campus to provide information and assistance on all things financial and can help you find ways to improve your financial situation, including:
- See if you are eligible for government assistance (e.g. Centrelink or concessions)
- Negotiate repayment arrangements with your creditors
- Explain your options and their consequences, including debt recovery procedures, bankruptcy and other alternatives
- Help you apply for a hardship variation on any loans
- Help you organise your finances and make a budget
- Refer you to other services (e.g. a gambling helpline, family support, personal counselling or community legal aid)
The Financial Counsellor can also help with the following:
- Debts that you are struggling to pay
- Threatening letters or harassment by debt collectors
- Debt recovery through the courts
- House eviction, disconnection of gas, electricity, phone, etc
- Uninsured car accidents, taxation debts and unpaid fines
Financial Counsellors provide the following services to students:
- Emergency Financial Assistance – supermarket vouchers, food parcels and metro cards
- Interest Free Loans of up to $500
*The Financial Counsellor is a full member of the South Australian Financial Counsellors Association (SAFCA)