Treat your Pool Funding application like a business proposal.
The Assessment Panel will look for proposals with the best ‘return on investment’; specifically, the amount of funding requested, compared to the amount of student engagement/benefit that the project will provide. For events, higher amounts of requested funding should correspond to higher levels of student engagement in order to remain competitive.
For equipment and resources, higher costs should see higher levels of use/access. The Panel may opt to approve funding for expensive equipment used infrequently by the Club, on the condition that it remain in FUSA’s possession as bookable equipment for shared Club use.
Start preparing your application early
A good proposal will show a high level of consideration, planning and research. Applications with little forethought or planning typically indicates that the project may not be important to the Club and/or does not require the funding it has requested in order to fund the project.
Ensure your project is financially sustainable
To ensure Pool Funding can benefit more applications, the Panel prioritises projects that are financially sustainable, or offer long-lasting benefit/engagement. If the Panel believes that your event or activity will run at a loss and will likely require ongoing access to Pool Funding, your requested funding may be heavily reduced, or the application may be rejected outright. Applications requesting equipment should show that the equipment will be used frequently and/or will provide long-lasting use to the Club.
Consider other sources of funding/revenue
If your project runs at a loss that would require future access to Pool Funding, specify how other sources of funding will keep the project sustainable (e.g: fundraising, ticket sales/cover charges, sponsorship, etc.). If other sources of funding would not maintain the project, consider how costs associated with the project can be reduced to keep the project financially sustainable.
Apply for new projects (not ongoing expenses)
The Club’s regular, ongoing expenses should be paid via the Club’s annual General Funding. Expenses for the Club’s regular activities, annual subscriptions, or administrative costs will not typically approved for additional Pool Funding. The objective of the Pool Funding program is to provide new opportunities to engage and benefit the Flinders and/or club community.
Misleading or false applications will negatively affect the Club’s access to Pool Funding in future
Typical examples can include applications that falsely claim higher levels of student engagement, or have exaggerated costs. As records are maintained of Club's Pool Funding applications and use of approved funding, misleading applications may negatively impact the Club’s future applications to Pool Funding; or may even result in the Club being barred entirely from accessing Pool Funding in future.
Provide as much detail as required
The Panel can only assess your application based on the information you provide. Read through your proposal before submitting the application: would the average person have enough information to know what your project is about, and what the expenses are for?
Due to the large number of applications, the Panel cannot follow up applicants for additional information or clarification. Consequently, it is your responsibility to ensure that your application has as much detail as required for the Panel to make an informed decision. If an application is rejected, the applicant will not have the opportunity to resubmit an application until the next round of Pool Funding.
Don’t be afraid to ask for advice
If you have any queries regarding the application process, email the Clubs Team via well in advance of the submission deadline. As the Pool Funding program is already a lengthy process it is not possible to submit drafts for review, however for general queries and advice, the Clubs Team is happy to help.