Clubs Consent & Responding to Disclosures Training

FUSA is committed to fostering a culture of respect, safety, and inclusivity among our affiliated clubs and their members. In support of this commitment, we are introducing training for club executive committees designed to improve the safety and wellbeing of members of the clubs community here at Flinders. 

Unfortunately, universities, and particularly university clubs, are not immune to incidents of sexual harassment and sexual assault. The results of National Student Surveys into sexual assault and harassment in 2016 and 2021 found that the most common locations students reported experiencing their most impactful incident of sexual assault in an Australian university context were clubs and societies events and spaces (25.8%) (2021 Survey). 

FUSA has a duty of care to ensure students feel safe and supported at club events and activities. We also have a responsibility to ensure that club executives are adequately trained and confident in identifying and responding to unacceptable behaviours. 

As such, we are introducing two sets of mandatory Canvas modules: 

Consent and Respectful Relationships Module

Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment Module

The Consent and Respectful Relationships module focuses on teaching the core principles of respect and respectful communication within relationships and providing context to understanding issues of consent, what constitutes sexual assault and sexual harassment, and the support that is available at Flinders University and in the community. 

The Responding to Disclosures of Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment module provides a basis to responding to disclosures of sexual assault and sexual harassment and provides in-depth information on the Flinders University’s reporting and support mechanisms. We encourage all executive committee members to undertake this training. If you cannot access this module, please contact with your name and FAN.

If you are an executive committee member who is neither a Flinders University student or a staff member, you will be required to familiarise yourself with the information on the Safety on Campus webpage and complete a series of questions related to this content via the form HERE

WARNING: Please note that these modules will be talking about sexual harassment and sexual assault. Some of the material may be distressing. We encourage you to take breaks, take time to process the material and seek support at any time. Support services are listed below.

IMPORTANT: If you are concerned that completing this course may negatively impact your wellbeing, you can confidentially seek an exemption from enrolment in this course. If you are a student, please email If you are a staff member, please email You will not need to provide reasons why you are seeking an exemption.


Flinders Support:

Community Support:

FUSA also encourages club committee members to access the resources available as part of the Be A Better Human Campaign. Be A Better Human is a student-led campaign focused around consent, sexual harassment and sexual assault, bystander education, respectful relationships and reporting, and support options for University students.