Review of Grades and Appeals

Review of Grades and Appeals

Often at different points of a student’s degree they may be disappointed with their grade and have good reasons to think the grade is wrong or unfair.

As with any disputes within the University, it is worthwhile consulting the policies and procedures which can be found on the Flinders University website here –

It is important to note that changes have been made to the Assessment Policy, effective 1 January 2021

Effective 1 January 2021 to 31 December 2021, information on requesting a Review of Grades can be found in Schedule A, section 4 of the Assessment Policy and is consistent with the requirements of the Student Review and Appeal Policy and Procedures.

The first part of the resolution process is to contact the Topic Coordinator (decision maker) to discuss the reasons for the grade.

If you are dissatisfied with outcome of the contact with the Topic Coordinator or if you don’t receive a response, you can make a request for a review of the decision via the Universities lodgement process –

The request for review must be lodged in writing within 20 University Business Days of receipt of the grade.

A review of a grade for an assessment activity or a final topic grade can be requested on the grounds that the Assessment Policy, supporting procedures, topic information or grading rubrics have not been adhered to or have been incorrectly applied.

You will need to be able to demonstrate why you disagree with the grade and be able to show your competency on Academic Grounds.

It is useful to develop your arguments as to why the grade is unfair. It is not enough to just disagree with the grade, you must be able to make a case about why you think it’s too low.

When lodging your review, you must also include the details of the original decision and any facts or documentation regarding the decision e.g copies of graded assessments.

If your request for a review is substantiated, possible outcomes may be –

  • The reviewer will arrange for independent grading of the assessment activity (ies)
  • Offer an alternative or supplementary assessment, or
  • Take any other reasonable action appropriate to the circumstances.


If a grade is amended as a result of a review, this grade will be the final grade, irrespective of whether it is higher or lower that the original grade.

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome of the review, you may appeal to the Student Appeals Committee within 20 University business days of notification of the outcome of the review. Requests are lodged via the Universities lodgement process –