Health and Safety
Students running events and activities are responsible for ensuring they are conducted in a safe manner. FUSA affiliated Clubs and Student Communities must complete the Event Registration Form for each event, stall or activity held both on a Flinders University campus and off campus at other locations. For student events not related to FUSA affiliated Clubs and Student Communities, queries should be directed to your applicable college.
FUSA Clubs and Student Communities must abide by the below guidelines and seek additional guidance where required. PLEASE NOTE: This is not an exhaustive list of safety requirements. Where these guidelines contradict Flinders University policies, procedures or by-laws, the latter must be followed. Please contact the Program Coordinator, Clubs & Student Communities at prior to running your event or activity if you require further information or clarification.
Emergency Procedures
Accident, Incident & Hazard Reporting
Electrical Safety
Alcohol on Campus
Manual Handling
Children on University Premises
Food Handling
Pub Crawls
Outdoor Events & Activities
Important Contacts
Emergency procedures
Medical Emergencies
- In case of a Medical Emergency, call an ambulance on 000 (or 0-000 from a University internal phone).
- State your contact number, location, nature of emergency and identify yourself during the call.
- Afterwards, contact University Security on 8201 2880 (or 12880 from a University internal phone) and provide the same information. University Security will meet the ambulance and guide them to the correct location on the grounds.
- Remain with the injured/ill person until help arrives.
- Alert people nearby and request assistance.
- Right the Fire Service on 000 (or 0-000 from a University internal phone) or operate the nearest Break Glass Fire Alarm.
- Afterwards, contact University Security on 8201 2880 (or 12880 from a University internal phone).
- Exit the building to an Assembly Area, as directed by a Warden (wearing Red or Yellow hard hats).
- If after hours, immediately evacuate the area.
- Do not use lifts.
- Close all windows and external doors.
- Remain, or go inside and await further instructions from Wardens, University Security or Emergency Services personnel.
- Do not evacuate from the campus or drive vehicles until or unless directed to do so by Wardens, University Security or Emergency Services personnel.
Personal Threat
- Ring University Security 12880 (or 8201 2880 from mobile phone).
- State your contact number, location, nature of threat, name and description of person(s) involved.
Emergency Warning Procedures
- When Alert signal sounds (Beep…Beep…)
- Cease inter-floor movement.
- Await further instructions via the PA or from the Warden.
- When evacuation signal sounds (whoop…whoop…)
- Proceed via the safest route to the assembly area. Do not use lifts.
- Assist mobility impaired people as necessary.
- Follow the directions of the Warden(s).
- Do not re-enter the building until instructed to do so by persons in authority.
- Outside of normal business hours, evacuate the building on hearing the alert or evacuation signal.
Accident, Incident & Hazard Reporting
Any accident, incident or hazard identified by students should be reported as soon as possible.
FlinSafe is the health and safety information system used to lodge incident/accident reports and hazard reports.
What is an accident/incident?
Accident – An unplanned event or incident that causes or contributes to personal injury.
Incident – An unplanned event which has the potential to cause injury, ill health to people or damage to property and the environment.
What is a hazard?
A situation or thing which has the potential to harm a person
To report an accident/incident or a hazard please click on the link below:
What happens to my accident/incident once it is reported?
The accident/incident will be investigated the Work Health and Safety (WHS) Unit, who may contact you to gather more information and determine what reasonable actions the University can take to prevent a recurrence. If relevant and you select a supervisor or topic coordinator, this person will also be involved in the investigation. It is important to record accurate details and to be as specific as you can be, including contact details. Please remember to add ‘Involved / Injured Persons and Witnesses’ (people involved in the incident and any witnesses as well).
For more information, including quick reference sheets, go to
For support and assistance, please contact or phone 8201 3024 (ext 13024 internally).
For ITS support, please contact 8201 2345.
Electrical Safety
- Students are responsible for taking care to protect their own health and safety and to avoid affecting adversely the health and safety of any other person in the workplace.
- It is preferred that students use electrical equipment provided by the University where possible (for example speakers & microphones). When electrical equipment is provided by the University to workers and students they must use the equipment in accordance with the information, instruction and training provided on its use.
- Wherever possible, electrical equipment should be tagged and tested and within test date.
- Electrical equipment must be visually inspected prior to use, via the instructions below:
- Check for obvious external damage
- Check defects – accessories, plugs or socket outlets
- Check defects on connectors
- Check supply cords
- No exposed inner cords, external sheaths not cut abraded or damaged
- Check cords are not tangled or exposed for tripping
- All flexible cords are securely anchored
- Powerboards: Indicator for ‘maximum load’ is visible & legible
- Any electrical equipment returned to service after repair or servicing that could have affected the electrical safety of the equipment must be inspected, tested and tagged before use.
- Reports of tripped circuits and requests for resetting tripped circuit breakers must be directed to Maintenance Section. Access to switchboards and circuit breakers is restricted to Buildings and Property Division only.
- Any equipment imported from overseas MUST be electrically tagged and tested prior to use.
Power boards
- Power boards with long leads (i.e. over 1.8m) must have individual switches on the power board.
- Power boards must be located in an area which does not cause damage to the board or create a tripping hazard.
- In hazardous or wet areas power boards must be secured in a safe position.
- Power boards must not be overloaded when in use, and must not be piggy backed.
- Power boards which are not compliant with the above visual inspection provisions must be removed from service.
Double adaptors
- Double adaptors are prone to the plugs working loose with potential for overheating or contact with live terminals. The use of double adaptors is not permitted under any circumstances in the University.
Extension leads
- Extension leads must comply with AS/NZS3199:2007 – Approval and Test Specification for Cord Extension Sets. When in use, extension leads must be fully extended, not covered by mats, not placed where they may be lying in water and not placed in such a way that they could be a tripping hazard (e.g. across aisles, corridors or other areas where people walk).
- Extension leads must be taped down to prevent tripping hazards in areas of thoroughfare.
- Extension leads must not be placed through doors or windows without some means to ensure the window or door cannot be closed and sever the cord.
Alcohol on Campus
- Consumption of alcohol in non-licensed areas must have a permit from Flinders University. This permit can be completed at this link.
- The steward (who cannot be an undergraduate or postgraduate student) must ensure that alcohol is only provided in limited quantities as per permit requirements.
- Bringing alcohol onto campus without the appropriate permit will be deemed a serious offence and will be dealt with by a Flinders University Board of Enquiry.
- Serving alcohol to people under the age of 18 years is illegal. When events are organised there must be some means to ensure under age people are not able to obtain alcohol.
The stewards employed at a function for which a permit has been granted shall be required:
- to take charge of the alcoholic liquor provided before any has been served, and to ensure that the amount provided does not exceed the amount stated in the permit;
- to ensure that no additional supplies of alcoholic liquor are brought in during the course of the function;
- to check the number of persons attending the function and to reduce the amount of alcoholic liquor to be consumed if the number is less than that stated on the permit.
Where a permit has been granted for a function organised by postgraduate students, the employment of stewards will be required if any undergraduate students will be present, but not otherwise unless the Council’s delegate shall so direct.
For functions at which undergraduate or postgraduate students will be present, permits will be granted only for the consumption of wines or beer. Permission will not be granted for the consumption of spirits.
No permit shall be deemed to authorise the sale, supply or consumption of alcoholic liquor if such sale, supply or consumption would be a contravention of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997 (SA), or if outside South Australia, the equivalent legislation applicable in that jurisdiction.
If any breach of any of these Rules should occur during a function for which a permit has been granted, the stewards shall immediately withdraw all supplies of alcoholic liquor and shall report the breach of the Rules to the Council’s delegate as soon as possible.
The organisers of a function for which a limited licence has been granted will be responsible for ensuring that the sale, supply and consumption of alcoholic liquor complies with the provisions of the Liquor Licensing Act 1997 (SA), (or if outside South Australia, the equivalent legislation applicable in that jurisdiction) and with any special conditions under which the special permit may have been granted.
At every function for which a permit or a limited licence has been granted, the organisers shall supply a reasonable quantity of non-alcoholic drinks.
Manual Handling
Assessing the Lift
- Before undertaking to lift an object, assess the start and finish heights and ensure clear pathways.
- People may injure themselves lifting even light weights. Having to move multiple light items can put you at risk as well as moving one heavy item. Always consider using a mechanical aid such as a trolley where possible.
- For objects over 16kg you must use mechanical aids or, as a last resort use two or more people.
- For large (awkward) objects (even light ones) use mechanical aids or 2 person lift
- Consider your own capacity: do you have existing injuries or are you recovering from an illness?
Performing a Lift
- In preparation for lifting an object, warm up the muscles by stretching and then test the weight of the load.
- Begin with a smaller load using a whole hand grip.
- For good balance, use a wide base of support and position yourself with your feet shoulder width apart.
- Use smooth motions and hold the load close to the body.
- Maintain the natural curves of the spine as you move through the lift.
- Use hip and knee joints to bend to the object rather than bending the spine in exaggerated curves. Do not twist or bend the back sideways.
- There is a trolley available to assist students to move and lift heavy items. The equipment is stored in the FUSA Office.
If Discomfort Occurs
- Apply ice initially to the area and try to rest the area. Apply heat, stretches and massage to the area, keeping active to hasten recovery.
- If discomfort does not subside, report incident to supervisor and complete an Incident Report Form.
- Consult your medical practitioner if pain or discomfort does not settle.
Children on University Premises
- Children under the supervision of their parent/carer can be on campus in general community areas, for organised University-supported activities, attending childcare and in University accommodation with their parents.
- Parents/carers must ensure that children do not have access to high risk (prohibited) areas.
- Parents/carers are responsible for the safety of their children on campus.
- Parents/carers must ensure that children do not disrupt academic or general work or student activities.
- Children with infectious diseases are not permitted in the work/study environment.
- The University reserves the right to direct that a child be removed from University premises where the presence of the child is causing an unacceptable health and safety risk or an unreasonable level of disruption to others.
Prohibited Areas
- Areas in which children are NOT permitted (except as described in Organised University-supported Activities below) include:
- laboratories and laboratory preparation areas
- technical and maintenance workshops
- plant, machine and electrical switchboard rooms
- chemical storage areas
- clinical areas
- animal houses
- construction sites
- areas where building works or maintenance are being carried out
- drama and art studios
- printer/copier rooms
- commercial kitchens
- fitness centres
- some areas where alcohol is sold, if that is the condition of the liquor licence
- loading and delivery bays
- bulk rubbish areas including bins and tips
Food Handling
- Any food handling must adhere to the Mitcham Council guidelines, located here:
- When selling food cooked or prepared yourself (i.e; rather than using a registered food business or pre-packaged item), a Temporary Food Stall application must be completed and sent to FUSA at a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the event as per Mitcham Council guidelines. Please complete the form located here:
- If using an external catering company they must be a registered contractor with the University and have appropriate insurance. Please advise FUSA if you intend to use an external catering company with at least 2 weeks notice, to ensure these conditions are met.
- Outdoor Events must adhere to the Mitcham Council outdoor event guidelines, available here:
- Clubs must clearly provide information about allergens by:
- providing information about food allergens in food if requested by an attendee
- declaring allergens on the label (usually in the ingredient list of packaged foods)
- displaying information about allergens next to food (if it’s not packaged)
- providing information with the food
Washing Hands
Food handlers are expected to wash their hands whenever their hands are likely to contaminate food. This includes washing their hands:
- immediately before working with ready‐to‐eat food.
- immediately after handling raw meat or processed (or cut) fruit or vegetables.
- immediately after using the toilet.
- before starting to handle food or returning to handling food after other work.
- immediately after smoking, coughing, sneezing, using a handkerchief or disposable tissue, eating, drinking or using tobacco or similar substances.
- after touching hair, scalp or a body opening.
The below procedures must be followed when using barbecue facilities:
- Mats must be placed in the barbecue area to prevent oil spills and spattering from
hot plates reaching pavers or surface.
- Container for oil run off from hot plate must be large enough for the amount of
cooking being undertaken.
- Barbecue is setup on an even surface and is stable.
- Must not be set up by doors, windows or air intakes where smoke may enter a building.
- Must not be set up in a confined space or near any flammable material (such as bushes).
- LPG cylinders are secured to increase stability.
- LPG cylinders are clear of ignition sources and are in a well-ventilated area (i.e. in an
open area and not a tent).
- All LPG cylinders are checked to ensure they do not exceed 10 years of the stamped
test date.
- BBQs must also adhere to Mitcham Council BBQ guidelines, located here:
Pub Crawls
At FUSA we support the responsible consumption of alcohol. Where an affiliated Club has a role in organising/endorsing a pub crawl or any similar event, there is a duty of care to participants to be mindful of their safety and welfare (e.g. responsible consumption of alcohol, that students have safe transport options to get home, that the risk of students being placed in a vulnerable position is minimised) and to endeavour not to bring the University’s name into disrepute.
When planning a pub crawl you MUST ensure that it does not exceed 400 participants. We recommend when selling pub crawl shirts that you collect the name and emails of all participants. You must also arrange 1 x Pub Crawl Leader (PCL) per 50 attendees (e.g. 8 PCL’s for 400 participants). PCL’s act as a chaperone for pub crawl participants and the role is detailed below.
In addition, it is recommended that pub crawl organisers contact the Red Frogs program, who can provide volunteers at no cost to assist in ensuring the safety and welfare of pub crawl guests. A guide to how Red Frogs can assist can be found HERE. The Booking Form to request Red Frogs attendance can be found HERE. Also, ensure you have a food break for attendees. We recommend getting food specials to encourage eating during the night.
IMPORTANT: The proposed arrangements, including the identities of the willing chaperone(s) (Pub Crawl Leaders), should be planned and formally recorded in the Event, Stall & Activity Registration Form by the Pub Crawl organiser.
Pub Crawl Leader
Pub Crawl organisers must arrange for willing nominee(s) (18 years or above) to accompany students undertaking a pub crawl as a ‘Pub Crawl Leader’. In the case of a pub crawl, the expectation would be for the willing nominee(s) to be willing to look out for the safety of attendees and make sure everyone is headed to the right venue and on time.
The expectations of the Pub Crawl Leader are as follows:
- be 18+ years or above
- abstain from drinking any form of alcohol during the night
- be at each of the venues at the time specified on the ‘event t-shirt’
- where possible to accompany the students between venues
- wear the Volunteer t-shirt so you they can be recognised at the event
- encourage participants to take a food break and drink water
It would reasonable for the willing nominee(s) to undertake the following where possible:
- endeavouring to ensure a person is not left behind inadvertently during the course of the event
- facilitating safe travel home for a severely intoxicated person
- initiating a call for medical or police assistance in an emergency.
The willing nominee(s) are requested to act as a ‘chaperone’ to address the above expectations to the best of their ability, taking into account the variability of circumstances which accompany such events. At no time are the nominee(s) asked to put themselves in danger or to intervene in a potentially or actual risky endeavour or situation. Their own personal safety is paramount. Nominees should be directed to these guidelines to ensure they are aware of these responsibilities.
The nominee must not at any point of the event be intoxicated by any substance or consume alcohol during the event as this may reduce their ability to undertake these responsibilities.
It would be reasonable for the willing nominee(s) to be given a $25 VISA voucher and an exclusive Pub Crawl shirt to access all venues during the event. We suggest that gift vouchers be distributed after the event.
Helpful Hints
Remember, there is also a duty of care that rests with the venues. They are Licensed Premises, with Responsible Service of Alcohol (RSA’s) and security staff. Ensure you refer any issues within the venue to the qualified professionals, particularly in any dangerous or risky situation. When between venues, ensure you contact Triple Zero (000) for any emergency situations. For non-emergency police matters, you can contact 131 444.
There are a range of transport options for participants to get home, you can assist with organising these, keep these details on hand for the night (i.e. save these contacts into your phone and ensure your phone is fully charged on the night):
- Suburban Taxis: Call 131 008
- 13CABS: 13 2227
- Adelaide Independent Taxis: 13 22 11
- or, assist with ordering an UBER
When planning a pub crawl, we also recommend that you look at the following resources around responsible consumption of alcohol:
Outdoor Events & Activities
Your team must appropriately manage risks relating to high temperature within your events and activities. Some practical suggestions for minimising heat risks include:
- identify hazards associated with working in the heat and UV radiation exposure
- plan ahead to ensure all practicable measures for preventing heat illness and UV radiation exposure can be implemented
- alter work schedules so that work is done on a different day or during cooler times of the day
- provide cool drinking water, which is close to the work/event/activity area to encourage hydration
- ensure all volunteers/workers are aware of heat stress symptoms so they can monitor themselves and their workmates
- provide volunteers/workers with access to shelter, additional rest breaks and encourage people to stay hydrated
- move the work/event/activity indoors if possible or create cool down areas
- enable volunteers/workers to take regular breaks or rotate with others where possible
- utilise fans, misters and air-conditioners where available
- move volunteers/workers away from other heat sources in the workplace
- provide suitable protection against ultra violet radiation, including SPF 30 or higher broad-spectrum water resistant sunscreen, light weight breathable long sleeves, long trousers and hats.
- provide training on being sun smart and encourage volunteers/workers to keep an eye on each other
- most importantly, make your controls available to volunteers/workers and encourage their use.
In hot conditions, it is important to ensure workers/volunteers look out for each other. Be aware of the warning signs for heat-illness, heat stress and heat stroke:
- Heat-illness: Vomiting or nausea; dizziness and/or weakness; Clumsiness, feeling light-headed and/or fainting
- Heat stress: Pale, cool, clammy skin; rapid breathing and shortness of breath; rapid, weak pulse
- Heat stroke: High body temperature (40C or more); flushed and dry skin; pounding, rapid pulse
Marquees are structures used to provide shade and protection for stalls, information stands and even
cover for staging for performances. Marquees are susceptible to wind and must be designed to
withstand wind (see Section 11.6, Event Procedures). It is highly recommended that marquees should
be hired and set up from a reputable contractor. Aspects of marquees which need consideration are:
- Size (will it fit in the allocated space)
- Position within the event venue (access, egress space around doorways and stairs)
- Method of weighting, tethering and anchoring (at least each corner and pole section shall be
weighted down around the outside of the marquee)
- If anchoring requires pegging into the ground, consult with Property, Facilities and
Development, especially regarding irrigation and utilities.
- Location (vulnerability to the wind or access to wind breaks)
- Are they strong enough to be fit for purpose for the expected activity?
- Alternative arrangements if weather conditions negatively impact on the safety of the marquee. Marquees must not be used in high wind conditions.
Important Contacts
A list of important contacts for health & safety related concerns is available HERE. Keep a copy of this nearby at your events and activities to ensure you know who to call if an incident occurs.